Questionnaire data

On inclusion, several self-questionnaires were completed by the volunteers: Lifestyle and Health, Job History, Occupational Exposures, Women's Health.

Medical questionnaire

Lifestyle and health

Professional calendar

Professional exposure

Women's health

A follow-up questionnaire is sent to volunteers every year. Annual follow-up began in 2013 for volunteers included in 2012, 2014 follow-up was carried out with those included in 2012 and 2013, and so on. Since 2015, participants have had the choice of completing the questionnaire on paper or via the Internet. Some data are collected annually (health status and declared morbidity, life events, tobacco, alcohol, etc.); others are collected at longer intervals, according to a pre-established schedule (health scales, questionnaires specific to an area of health or risk factors, such as dietary habits); finally, part of the questionnaire is reserved for specific research questions, which vary from year to year.

Follow-up 2013 wave 1 and Follow-up 2013 wave 2

Follow-up 2014

Follow-up 2015

Follow-up 2016 wave 1 and Follow-up 2016 wave 2

Follow-up 2017

Follow-up 2018

Follow-up 2019

Follow-up 2020

Follow-up 2021 : no questionnaire this year

Follow-up 2022

Follow-up 2023

Volunteers are provided with a health questionnaire every 4 years when they are invited back to a CES for a follow-up examination. This questionnaire enables periodic monitoring of various pathologies: respiratory health, visual capacity, diabetes.

4 years follow-up questionnaire

Furthermore is made avalaible the STETHOSCOPA application which is a tool designed for users of data from the Constances cohort to give them rapid access to detailed descriptive statistics from the inclusion and follow-up surveys. It includes data collected from completed and returned self-questionnaires questionnaires, but also unemployment data from the CNAV, a selection of healthcare consumption data from the SNDS from the SNDS, as well as diagnoses based on algorithms developed by the team.
The application is available in French and English.
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